Children and families are very welcome at St Saviour's! Please see our Safeguarding page.
Our regular children’s work, meeting at church, is on hold during the coronavirus epidemic. We’re also currently unable to offer christening for children. We hope to be able to resume all these aspects of our ministry with children as soon as possible.
We’re running two sessions of Junior Church online on Sundays, using the Zoom app. For help with Zoom, please see our Using Zoom page. Parents need a password to join these meetings. Contact Lauren, our Children and Families Worker, to receive the password.
Parents can join with their children at 9.30am (for children under 5) and 11.30am (for children over 5). Our Under 5s sing songs, do some godly play involving Bible stories, and do some simple talking and praying. The over 5s talk about what is going on in the world, and also do some godly play and prayers. Click the buttons below to join us:
Meanwhile, for parents who are looking for good ideas to use at home with their children, see our Children’s resources page.