Junior Church is taking a break during August, but Lauren McKenna, our Children and Families Worker, has prepared some great resources for families to use over the month. Lauren writes:
Happy summer everyone!
I hope you have a lovely summer holiday from schools and nurseries. Over the summer it would be great if you can continue to read the Bible and learn about prayer. Please follow the links below to access the packs that were handed out at the picnic, if you weren’t able to be there. These packs provide opportunities to continue learning about the story of Moses, enable discussions about what is prayer, why we do it and who we pray to.
St Saviour’s summer pack
St Saviour’s summer pack (Early Years)
Lord’s Prayer colouring pages
The Junior Church pages on this website are also full of resources you can use to continue developing your child’s spiritual development. Please check out our children and families worship page for videos of spiritual songs and YouTube resources. And also see our children’s resources page for creative resources, including Diddy Disciples, for free ideas and learning opportunities.
Please can I ask for continued prayer for the children and family work at St Saviour’s, for God to continue to bless us with more families to find faith and attend services. Hopefully all being well we will see each other in person at church in September.
Photo: Aaron Burden