How are we celebrating Easter this year at St Saviour’s? We’ll be following the story of Jesus from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday in four events:
Palm Sunday – sadly, the donkeys we hoped would be with us at our Palm Sunday service aren’t now able to join us, which means we won’t be doing donkey rides in the park after all. But we hope to rearrange the donkey rides for a day in the summer.
Good Friday – the church will be open for most of the day on Good Friday (15 April), so that people can call in to remember the death of Jesus. We’ll be open for prayer between 9am and 3pm, with stations of the cross, readings and short meditations.
Eastingle on Easter Saturday – at 3pm on Easter Saturday (16 April), we’re holding our first ever Eastingle service for children, which is like Christingle, but at Easter! The service will have singing, dancing, craft-making and joining in with storytelling. Ellie our fantastic storyteller would love to have volunteers to help with acting, costumes and props, so do get in touch if you’d like to help.
Easter Sunday – Join us for joyful worship on Easter Sunday (17 April), when we’ll be celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, the high point in the Christian year. We’ll be sharing communion together at this service.