Lauren, our children and families worker, writes:
As we move into the autumn, we’re making some changes to how we’re running kids’ church.
There’s been a real flourishing in the number of children attending St Saviour’s. As a result, we’ll be reintroducing two groups again with the hope to increase to three groups as we continue to grow in families and volunteers. We’re so grateful for the grace of God which has helped us grow. Please pray for us and our ministry to the children in our parish.
The two groups are:
Little Pearls – an early years and key stage 1 group which will be running from the nursery classroom adjacent to the church building. This group will have songs, stories, play, crafts and finishing with prayers. Members of the team will be looking forward to welcoming all children in nursery, reception, year 1 and year 2 through the white doors in church – or if after the service has begun, through the red door at the side of the vicarage driveway. Please look out for adults in blue St Saviour’s t-shirts.
Diamond Squad – a key stage 2 group which will begin after the sung worship. We are encouraging the older kids to stay and sing with their families before coming into the session, which will be based in the church hall. This group will have discussion around the teaching topic, Q&As, hangout and chill. Members of the team will be waiting to greet the kids as they come through into the hall. Please look for adults in orange St Saviour’s t-shirts.
Each group will nominate a spokesperson to speak on what has been covered in the session. After re-joining the service for the final worship song with their families, they will feed back to the rest of the church.
Image: Sigmund/Unsplash